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Weekly Newsletter

FOR THE WEEK OF: Sept. 9, 2024

Mon. Day 2Tues. Day 3/Wed. Day1 /Thur. Day2 /Fri. Day 3

 Weekly Update: 

  • Sept. 9 - 2Hr Late Start
  • Sept. 10 - 5th Grade Band Night at Central Cafeteria, 5:30pm
  • Sept. 10 - First PTA Meeting, location is Central Library at 6pm
  • Sept. 12 - School Picture Day at Central
  • Sept .12 - Little Comet Clinic At Central Gym
  • Sept. 13 - Little Comets Clinic Performs before Varsity Football Game

Message from Principal Mrs. Longtin

Central staff and students have had an incredible first two weeks of school!  We have been working on understanding routines, classroom and building expectations, and of course LEARNING together!  Everyone might be slightly worn out, but we have created great memories as we build new relationships and renew prior friendships.  Thank you parents for all your support as we navigate getting back into school day routines.  Central staff is committed to helping our students become curious learners who persevere and value all, we can only reach this goal if we partner with you, so please reach out with any celebrations, questions, or concerns you might have this school year!

5th Grade Band Meeting

There will be a meeting at Central cafeteria on Tues. Sept. 10th, at 5:30.

PTA News

First PTA meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 6PM in the Central Library.

2024-2025 PTA Membership

Become a member and enjoy various levels of involvement including PTA meetings, join a committee of choice, come to family events, support fundraising efforts, and opportunities to volunteer! Click here to sign up!

 PTA Back to School Drinkware

 Back to School Drinkware orders due Sept 7th

Use coupon code: SCHOOLSPIRIT20 

Picture Day at Central

Picture day at Central Elementary will be on Thursday, Sept. 12th.  You may order on line or the order form that came home.  Order at    Picture Day Id: EVTS3HMQ4

Emergency Drill - Communication

Each school year our building practices several safety drills including fire, inclement weather, bus evacuation, and active threat drills. During the week of September 9th, Central will conduct a school-wide active threat drill. This drill has been planned in coordination with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office and the Polk City Police Department. Teachers will review the Run, Hide, Fight procedures with students, and then we will practice. This drill will allow students to practice and process what it might look and sound like to hide if we had an active threat. You are welcome to review the presentation our teachers will utilize to support conversations with our students about active threat drills.  

The drill will only last 5 minutes. During the drill, we will make an announcement for the building, and students and staff will shut and lock the doors, turn off the lights, and reduce visibility from the hallways. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions or concerns you may have.

Little Comet Cheer Clinic

The Little Comet Cheer will perform Friday, Sept 12, before the Varsity Football Game. 

Calling all future Comets!

Give your child the experience they've been dreaming about. Join the Junior Cosmo Club. Registration has been extended! Register by September 13th to ensure you have a shirt for the big game.

Junior Cosmo Club:

$20 per child - Kids under the age of 12 are invited onto the field/court for a select football and volleyball game.  Kids will help make a tunnel for the players entering the field/court.  In addition, kids will receive:

    • Junior Cosmo Club t-shirt

    • Free admission to the games announced when they wear their shirt

October 25th - Football

October 17th - Volleyball

 Here is the link:

Let's pack the field and court with all our future Comets and cheer on our teams!

School Lunches

Utilize Infinite Campus to manage your student’s lunch account and access the daily menu listed on our website. Be sure to add funds to your student’s lunch account today! The updated meal prices may be found here.  If you qualify for free and reduced meals, you will need to complete the 2024-2025 application. For further questions please contact Anita Turczynski at

Textbook rental fee

Just a reminder if you have not paid your textbook rental fee that was due 8/23/24.   Please check your infinite campus and make payment online at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

Girl Scouts

Looking for an adventure this year? Join Girl Scouts! Here you can show off your artistic side, be hands on with different experiments, enjoy the outdoors, or help your community. Not only will you make new friends, you'll get a ton of new experiences to show you how exciting the world is and how awesome you are!

GSGI is seeking adult volunteers for the kindergarten troop for North Polk. Girls and adults interested should contact Michelle Knoll at

For more information on Girl Scouts, visit

Cub Scouts

Interested in Cub Scouts? Join us at our Pack Meeting on Sunday, September 8th at 3pm at the Polk City United Methodist Church (1421 W Broadway St, Polk City, IA 50226). We have several activities planned and we will have ice cream! Send an email to to let us know you'll be attending or if you're interested, but can't make it.

2024-2025 Elementary School Supply List

You will find the NP Elementary Supply List here.

Absence/Dismissal changes

If you have any changes to your students daily attendance or dismissal plan (vacations, ill student, appointments, etc), it is very important to inform the school of those changes by 2:30pm each day.

If you are emailing this information to the school, please include the teacher and the office secretary.

If you would like to call the office with this information, our phone number is 515-984-3400. Please select option 3, for North Polk Central Elementary.

We appreciate your help with this.

Comet Volleyball Youth Night

On Tuesday, September 17 the North Polk High School Volleyball team takes on the ADM Tigers. Come to the North Polk High School gym and join us for a night of fun! The JV and Freshman volleyball games begin at 5:15 p.m. with the Varsity game following at 7:00. Youth volleyball players may wear a Comet Volleyball jersey or t-shirt to get in free! We encourage all future volleyball players to arrive early for signed posters, picture taking, sign making, and more. We will do a youth volleyball player parade between the JV and Varsity matches at 6:45, and we would like future Comet Volleyball players there to participate. The high school Comet Volleyball Team would love your support at all their home games on September 3 & 17, and October 8 & 15.The high school Comet Volleyball Team would love your support at all their home games on September 3 & 17, and October 8 & 15. Go Comets!

Comet Volleyball Skills for 4th ,5th, and 6th

The Comet Volleyball be will be hosting fall skills sessions for all 4th, 5th, and 6th graders! These skills sessions will be available for five weeks and will allow your child to learn the basic skills and fundamentals of volleyball. The skills sessions are a great way to help get your child prepared for the opportunity to play for the Comet Volleyball Club in January-March! Here are the details for fall skills sessions:

  • Dates: Monday September 16, 23, 30 and October 7 & 14

  • Location: North Polk Middle School

  • Time: 

            -4th graders 6:30-7:30 p.m. 

            -5th/6th graders 7:30-8:30 p.m.

  • 4th and 5th graders: Please bring a VOLLEY LITE BALL. This is the ball your age level will compete with.

  • These skills sessions are FREE of charge! Come and learn the game while having fun with your friends! There is NO sign-up for the fall skills sessions. Feel free to come to as many sessions as you can!

Parents and Families: We are encouraging you to join us during these skills sessions! Once teams are created in late November, we will need volunteers to help coach in January. Joining us during the skills sessions will allow the opportunity to learn skills, volleyball vocabulary, and drills to coach the players during practices. Haven’t coached volleyball before? No worries! We want you to participate in the drills to learn too!

Note: Players in 5th grade or above, will have the opportunity to be evaluated to be divided into teams. Skill evaluations will be held later in November. More detailed information is coming soon. All 4th graders will play in the Recreational league, therefore evaluations will not take place for 4th grade. Be on the lookout to sign-up for Comet Volleyball season soon! 

** If you have any questions regarding Fall Skills Sessions, please email or follow the “Comet Volleyball Club” Facebook page.

Events & Activities 

 NP Annual Golf Tournament, Sunday Sept. 22 at 9AM.

2024 North Polk Foundation Golf Tournament sign up link:

Check every week for new sign-ups.  Here are  the latest North Polk events and activities!


Still searching for daycare for PS or TK kids call the Central office(515-984-3400 ext.2300) for list of childcare in your area.

Looking Ahead ....

  • Sept. 9 - 2Hr Late Start
  • Sept. 10 - Band Meeting/Central cafeteria @ 5:30
  • Sept. 10 - PTA Meeting/Central Library 6PM
  • Sept. 12 -  Picture Day at Central
  • Sept. 16 - 2Hr Late Start
  • Sept. 23 - 2Hr Late Start
  • Sept. 30 - 2Hr Late Start

Upcoming Events: