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Weekly Newsletter

FOR THE WEEK OF: Feb. 10, 2025

Thur. Day 3/Fri. Day 1

Mon.No SchoolTues. Day 2/Wed. Day 3 /Thur. Day 1/Fri. Day 2

 Weekly Update:

  • Feb. 14 - Friendship Parties and Day of Play
  • Feb. 17 - No School

Just a reminder for Preschool families that on February 25th, and February 27th, AM Preschool will attend from 8:15 -10:15am and PM Preschool will attend from 11:15-1:15PM.

Message from Principal 

Last week we had the opportunity to meet in grade level teams with our interventionists, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Luhr, to celebrate our students’ progress based upon our winter assessment data.  We also were able to adjust our WIN groups based upon this data and what teachers have been observing in their classrooms. WIN stands for "What I Need," and these groups are designed to provide targeted instruction based on each student's individual needs.  Targeted instruction in literacy may include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension strategies, and/or writing skills.  Teachers continuously monitor student progress through observations and additional assessments.  This data informs future groupings and instructional strategies. These groups are flexible and students may informally move in and out of these groups.  We also meet with our intervention team every 4-6 weeks to make group adjustments as needed.

Mr. Larsen was also able to join our winter meetings this past week to go over data with classroom teachers and give updates on the Extended Learning Program (ELP).  Students working in groups with Mr. Larsen will receive instruction on current classroom standards in math and reading.  The instruction will be accelerated and differentiated to meet the needs of learners who show high achievement and have the capacity to perform at high levels.  These groups are also flexible and students will move in out of these groups based on data as it relates to their progress on grade level standards. 

If you would like to celebrate one of our staff members please complete this survey.  Any celebrations received will be given to staff on a Central Celebrates certificate!

Whitney Longtin, Central Elementary Principal

Spring Conference sign up

Conferences will be held on Tuesday, February 25th and Thursday, February 27th from 1:45 to 7:30 pm with an early dismissal of 1:15 on each of those days. Just a reminder for Preschool families that AM Preschool will attend from 8:15 -10:15am and PM Preschool will attend from 11:15-1:15PM, on February 25th, and February 27th.

To schedule a conference time:  Go to   https://www.myconferencetime. com/northpolk/

  1. Click on the link 
  2. Click on the folder titled NP Central Folder
  3. Click on a teacher's name
  4. Find the desired date/time for your conference by clicking on "Sign Up"
  5. Submit the requested information

Once you click on the time, the site will prompt you to enter in your students name and your email address for the email notification and reminders.  We encourage all families who have multiple children, to not sign up for back to back times to ensure a maximum conference time with each teacher. 

If you have any questions please contact the office at 515-984-3400 x2300. Thank you for your continued support in your students' education.  

Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 School Year:
If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling, please check out our website using the link below. Enrollment will close on February 12, 2025.

Register Here

Preschool Program Details:

    • Eligibility: Children must be 4 years old on or before September 15, 2025, to enroll in the 4-year-old preschool program. Children who turn 5 by this date should enroll in Kindergarten.
  • Sessions Offered:
    • Morning: 7:50 AM to 10:50 AM 
    • Afternoon: 11:50 PM to 2:50 PM 
    • Classes are held four days a week to mirror our Transitional Kindergarten schedule (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) at both West Elementary and Central Elementary. Both locations follow the same schedule.
  • Priority Registration: In-district families will have priority registration. Proof of residency will be required.
  • Midday Transportation: In some fashion, there will be midday PK transportation offered to families. While we are not required to provide this service in the same way we do for K-12 students living more than 2 miles from school, the Board and Administration are exploring various options. The goal is to offer this service in a timely and efficient way while maintaining fiscal responsibility. More information to come, but please indicate your interest upon registration.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year:
Academic enrollment and transportation requests for both new students and returning families will open on our website on February 10th. To guarantee a bus spot for the first day of school next fall, you must register by June 1st.  Everyone who rides a bus needs to register.

NP Wellness Committee/Wellness Challenge

The North Polk Wellness Committee has created a fun Wellness Challenge for our students to participate in.  Starting Monday, February 10th your child can use this calendar to help track the wellness activities they have completed.  The Central classroom who turns in the most calendars will earn an extra recess with Cosmo!  Here are some additional fun wellness ideas your family can try during these cold winter months.  If your family needs a paper copy of the calendar your student can stop by the office and pick one up!

Approved Academic Calendar & Start Times:
To view the approved academic calendar, please visit this link. This calendar includes the transition from the weekly Monday late start model to a monthly full-day professional learning day. Additionally, the board approved adjusted start times across the district, which will include double-routing to accommodate these changes.

Approved Start Times:

  • Elementary: 7:50 AM - 2:50 PM (Big Creek: 7:55 AM - 2:55 PM)
  • Secondary: 8:20 AM - 3:20 PM  

PTA News

Spring Conference Meals

The PTA will be providing Bon Appetit taco bar on Tuesday, February 25th and soups & salads bar on Thursday, February 27th. Money donations can be cash, check payable to North Polk Elementary PTA or venmo @npcentralpta by Monday, February 24th. Food, drink, and other donations please have to Central Elementary by 10:30 am the day of conferences. Please review the available slots and click on the link below to sign up. If you have questions, contact Thank you!

2024-2025 PTA Membership

Become a member and enjoy various levels of involvement including PTA meetings, join a committee of choice, come to family events, support fundraising efforts, and opportunities to volunteer! Click here to sign up.

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Central!

When: February 25-27, 2025

Where: Central Library

K-12 Art Show

The artwork will be up from February 19th - March 14th at the Ankeny Art Center.  There will be close to 400 pieces of art done by students K - 12th grade students..  There will be a reception on Thursday February 20, 5-7pm. Here are the hours that the Ankeny Art Center will be open

Closed Sunday and Monday

Tuesday - Friday: 9 am-1pm

Thursday: 4 pm-7 pm

Saturday: 9 am-noon

If parents have other questions they can go to the Ankeny Art Center website or contact me at

Central 5th Grade Band Families,

Here is a quick update of our next performance and what kids are working on in band!

Next Performance: Parade of Bands Concert March 6th in the High School Auditorium.

-Be there at 5:10pm (meet in the High School Band Room)

-Perform at 5:30pm

-Make-up date is March 7

-May 13: Spring Concert

-May 17: Adventureland

 full year calendar

Comet Sensation Volunteers Needed

We are hosting our biggest Fine Arts fundraiser of the year on Feb 15, 2025 and we can’t do it without you! Please consider donating your time at this year’s Comet Sensation Show & Jazz Choir Competition by signing up to volunteer today! Sign up here to volunteer

 Please reach out with any questions!

Hanna Hoversten - Central 5th grade band


The K-5 students are working on a coding unit in technology. Utilizing both websites and unplugged activities, the students are learning various coding concepts. TK-1st grade focuses on sequencing. In 2nd-3rd grade, we review sequencing and start learning about loops. Loops are repeated portions of a code. In 4th and 5th grade, we review previous concepts and then start adding in conditionals. Conditionals are if/then statements. We discuss how conditional statements are part of our everyday life. For example if it is raining outside, then we wear a jacket or bring an umbrella. We then apply those to coding. We use a variety of websites to practice these skills such as, CodeSpark, Scratch, and Kodable. The main goal with coding in elementary is to spark an interest so the student chooses to continue coding in the future.

After Prom Fundraiser/Maim Street Cafe & Bakery

Stop in for dinner or a sweet treat to support North Polk After Prom at Main Street Cafe & Bakery. February 24th from 5-8PM at 2510 SW White Birch Dr.  Mention you are supporting NP After Prom to earn credit.

Recess Clothing Guidelines

It is that time of year again.  Please follow this guide to know what to wear for recess.

  • In the 50s? - Wear a sweatshirt or jacket
  • In the 40s? - Wear a winter coat
  • In the 30s or below? - Wear winter coat, hat/hood, and gloves/mittens
  • Snow on the ground? - Wear winter coat, hat/hood, gloves/mittens, snow pants, and snow boots. If you do not have snow pants and snow boots you will stay on the blacktop.

Bricks 4 Kids

2 different classes you can sign up for.

After School classes

Spring Break Mini-Camp

Thrift Sale

Students for Environmental Protection and Conservation are having a Thrift Sale.  You may bring in donations of vintage apparel, NPHS gear, clothing, shoes, t-shirts, formal wear and hangers are accepted at all district buildings through Feb. 21st.

Thrift Sale is :

  • Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 3:30PM -7:30PM
  • Thursday, Feb. 27th, 3:30PM- 7:30PM

This is located at the HS Commons.

Preschool on Early Out Days

There will be a change to our preschool schedule when the district has early outs. In order to see both classes and have equal time with each section the times will change for these days.

AM Classes- 8:15-10:15

PM Classes - 11:15-1:15

This schedule change will be on the following planned dates this year. (Red Boxes and Blue boxes on the school calendar). These fall on conference days and the day before Spring Break.

Dates:  2/25, 2/27 and 3/13.

2025 AES Little League - Baseball & Softball

  • Registration for the 2025 AES Little League season is open!
  • Please register online before March 1st.
  • Click here to sign up.

School Lunches

Utilize Infinite Campus to manage your student’s lunch account and access the daily menu listed on our website. Be sure to add funds to your student’s lunch account today! The updated meal prices may be found here.   For further questions please contact Anita Turczynski at

From the Nurse

When to Stay Home From School - Illness Policy

As we navigate the seasons throughout the year, our school nursing staff regularly encounter various illnesses. To uphold a safe and healthy learning environment, please adhere to these guidelines:

  1. Health Priority: The well-being of our students is our foremost concern. We strongly recommend keeping sick children at home.

  2. Impact of Illness: Illness can weaken the immune system, making children more susceptible to infections. This can result in increased absences and disruptions in the classroom.

  3. Symptoms to Monitor: Please monitor your child's health and consider having them stay home if they are going to be uncomfortable at school with any of these symptoms:

    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Runny nose
  4. And then students must stay home if they have any of these symptoms:
    • Fever(above 100 degrees per NPCSD guidelines)
    • Vomiting or diarrhea
  5. Return to School: Children should only return to school once they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours. This precaution promotes a complete recovery and prevents illness transmission.

We appreciate your continuous cooperation and support in maintaining a healthy school environment throughout the year.


  •  Grades: K - 6th
  • Location: Big Creek Elementary 340 East Vista Lake Drive, Polk City, IA 50226
  • Date: June 23 - 27, 2025
  • Time & Cost: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM | $275 (before discount)Save $25 with code FUN25  at  Payment plans available.
  • Camp Director: Katelyn Swearing |  

Absence/Dismissal changes

If you have any changes to your students daily attendance or dismissal plan (vacations, ill student, appointments, etc), it is very important to inform the school of those changes by 2:30pm each day.

If you are emailing this information to the school, please include the teacher and the office secretary.

If you would like to call the office with this information, our phone number is 515-984-3400. Please select option 3, for North Polk Central Elementary.

We appreciate your help with this.

Events & Activities 

Check every week for new sign-ups.  Here are  the latest North Polk events and activities!

Looking Ahead ....

  • Feb. 17 - No School
  • Feb. 24 - 2Hr Late Start
  • Feb. 25 - Teacher Conferences/ 1:15 PM early Dismissal
  • Feb. 25 - AM PS  8:15am-10:15pm/PM PS 11:15am-1:15pm
  • Feb. 27 - Teacher Conferences/ 1:15 PM early Dismissal
  • Feb. 27 - AM PS  8:15am-10:15pm/PM PS 11:15am-1:15pm
  • Feb. 28 - No School/Professional Development


Upcoming Events: